Tamagotchi Connection V5 Growth Chart

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    • ByTamaBoy9000
      Hey, I was just wondering something here. I noticed in some of the older animated media (2007-2008), characters with beaks (Kuchipatchi and other Patchis do not count, because there is no continuity concerning his beak) may actually show the insides of their mouth when opened.
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      Although I've seen this happen more often in animated media from 2009-2015, sometimes, characters may have their beaks open, but do not show the insides of their mouths. Here's an example, again using Zukyutchi, this time from the first movie (which is also my profile picture).
      So yeah, don't forget to leave a reply stating your opinions and thoughts.

Tamagotchi Connection V5 Growth Chart For Kids

Tamagotchi Connection V5 Growth Chart Free


Tamagotchi v5 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi v5 Characters. Tamagotchi v5 Parent Chart. Tamagotchi v5.5 Character/ Growth Chart. Tamagotchi v5 Login Codes! Wanna play all the games in the Expo? Then here are some Tamagotchi v5 login codes from my v5! Hope you like.