Tamagotchi Connection Discipline

Full text of 'Bandai Tamagotchi P1 (1996) Keychain User Guide' See other formats f Congratulations! X You are now the caretaker for a genuine Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi is a cyber creature who has traveled millions of mites from its home planet to learn what life is like on earth. Tamagotchi Connection Caring Guide (US / English) Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes; Tamagotchi Connexion Digital Friends of the World. Instruction Sheet ©Bandai WiZ 2004 Bandai 2004. Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will evolve differently depending on how well you take care of it. The Tamagotchi (たまごっち, IPA: tamaɡotꜜtɕi) is a handheld digital pet, created in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai.It was released by Bandai on November 23, 1996 in Japan and May 1, 1997 in the rest of the world, quickly becoming one.

  1. Tamagotchi Connection Ds Game
  2. Tamagotchi Connection Tamatown
  3. Tamagotchi Connection Disciplined

On occasion someone email's me asking how I get a certain character. Well I have decided to make a list of the characters and the techniques I used to get them. They may not necessarily work for everyone, but it might help some people out, I hope. Note that I am using the names of the American version Tamagotchi. I am sure the same techniques would work to get the different characters that are on the Japanese version. There are many ways to get the different characters, these are just my methods. Just because you miss a step or something small in it doesn't mean you won't get that character.
BTW, My view on snacks is this: It is okay to feed snacks as a Babitchi/Shirobabitchi, but after it changes into Marutchi/Tonmarutchi I prefer to play games over snacks. Snacks are okay, but it's good to keep the weight down and keep it healthy. Remember one snack is 2 oz/lbs, each meal is 1 oz/lbs, and the game only works off 1 oz/lbs per game. I believe that snacks overall don't have a huge effect on which character you end up with, if it has effect at all. I only feed snacks maybe one or twice a day. This usually occurs because I am too busy at work to stop and play the game. With that in mind...

~How To Get The Tama Characters You Want~

    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Mametchi/Mimitchi - I believe it is fairly easy to get Mametchi/Mimitchi, whom is the best character you can get, care taking wise. First you must get Tamatchi/Tongaritchi (the character with legs). Than by age 6 or 7 yrs he will change. This period with Tamatchi/Tongaritchi is the most important, I believe, to getting Mametchi/Mimitchi. You will have Tamatchi from about age 3 or 4, to age 6 or 7, depending on when you hatched it. Either way it will remain in this stage for a total of 72 hours. During this time check on him about every 15-30 minutes. He will drop about one heart in this period of time. As soon as he does drop 1 empty heart, fill it right away. Don't let him drop below one empty heart, or your chances of getting Mametchi/Mimitchi is at risk.
    Best thing to do is either really keep an eye on the attention icon, or always keep the sound on. He will beep at you for attention and for no reason. He will have dropped one heart, and need discipline. You can't play or feed him meals. So discipline him then take care of him. Discipline him every time he calls for it. This will be a total of 2 times after he has legs. If you disciplined him all the way in the Marutchi/Tonmarutchi stage, the discipline will start off as 50% in this stage. After the finale time you discipline him he will get sick soon after. Also him getting sick tells you that he will change within the next 30 hours. Usually the very next day after being sick. Overall, you need to take as perfect care as possible to get Mametchi/Mimitchi. If you slip and miss a discipline, let the hearts drop below one empty one too many times, or let him sleep with poop next to his bed, you will very likely get the next character down, Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi.
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi - In my opinion, this is one of the hardest characters to get. He is the middle character of the healthy characters. Again to get this character you must first take good care of Marutchi/Tonmarutchi and get the character with legs, Tamatchi/Tongaritchi. Next thing to do is follow almost all of the above for Mametchi/Mimitchi. The differences here are simple. Let the hearts drop only TWO TIMES to 2 empty on both hunger and happiness. After those two times, take perfect care as if you were going for Mametchi/Mimitchi. Next is discipline. Only discipline 75%. On the last time it asks to be disciplined, ignore him. The attention icon will be unlit in about 5 mins. At that time check your Tama to make sure he doesn't need any thing.
    This has always worked for me, but there is one other way that has worked. It happened when he had not called for his last discipline and I accidentally let the hearts drop down empty too many times. If you let the hearts empty down 2 more than 2 times, and you can still discipline, discipline him all the way 100%. Than after that continue to let the hearts drop every now and again to 2 empty. But mostly only let it drop to one empty. When I say one I mean one empty in both hunger and happiness, not just one total. Don't let him sleep with a poop next to his bed and it should turn out okay. Mind you this is very difficult character, at least for me, to get. But the first method has always worked. The only reason I muck it up is because of my job ;).
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Masukutchi (aka, Masktchi)/Zukitchi - This is what I tend to call the average caretakers pet. Masukutchi/Zukitchi is very easy to get. Simply you must take average care of him. Again you have to get the Tamatchi/Tongaritchi first to get this guy. Once there, if you disciplined as you should have when he was only Marutchi/Tonmarutchi. Than he should already be at 50% discipline. There is no need to discipline anymore. Let it remain at 50% discipline in this stage, ignoring his 2 calls for discipline. During this time taking perfect care is not needed. Let the hearts drop to at least two empty on both hunger and happiness. And if you even prefer, always let him beep at you for attention. As long as you take care of him when he beeps it will be no problem at all to get this character. Allot of ppl I know do not really like these two guys, but they have one special thing that no other Tama character has. They both turn into the secret character. I will explain how to get the secret character at the bottom of this list.
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Kutchipatchi/Hashizotchi - This is the best of the unhealthy characters you can get. First thing you need to do is discipline the Marutchi/Tonmarutchi to 50% or 75% only. Other then that always treat TonMarutchi/Marutchi really badly. When he finally changes you should get the beaked character, Kuchitamatchi/Hashitamatchi, instead of the character with legs, first. He will still remain 50% disciplined at this stage. After that it will only be another 48-52 hours before he changes to his finale adult form. After you get the beak it is quite simple to get this guy. Do like you would to get Mametchi/Mimitchi. Discipline all the way and take perfect or near perfect care. Mind you, its hard, for me, to get the beaked character. It takes allot of neglect to get it, but when you do, you can get this guy easily.
    Now if you don’t get the beaked character, it doesn’t really mean you can't get an unhealthy character. Its just harder. To get this guy and you got the young adult with legs instead of the beak, you have to take really horrible care, but not too horrible. Its really hard and rather you’ll get him is hard to determine from that stage. I personally have not got this character from the legged character, I always neglect too much. When I do find the right method to getting him from the Tamatchi/Tongaritchi, I will post it here. I advise just getting the beaked character first. It works better that way! ;)
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Nyorotchi/Takotchi - This guy, being the middle unhealthy character, is one of the more difficult characters to get, for me. Kinda like Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi. The method is similar too. First get the beaked character instead of the Tamatchi/Tongaritchi. From here it is about the same method. Get discipline to 50% or 75%, let the hearts only drop a couple of times to two empty, like for Ginjirotchi/Pochitchi. Again it is possible to get unhealthy characters without getting the beak, Kutchitamatchi/Hashitamatchi first. But I, at this point, have not got this down to an exact science yet.. ;)
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Tarakotchi/Kusatchi - This is the most unhealthy character you can get on Tamagotchi. In a way it is easy to get this guy, in another way it is not. If your like you, you don’t like taking bad care, its hard to get. Much neglect is needed to get these guys. Get the beaked character, on this one too. Don't discipline at all, no need. Don’t worry about taking very good care at all in fact. Neglect is a must. Just make sure you give him his medication when he gets sick, that’s about the only thing you should do. Otherwise, let him always beep at you before you care for him. Don’t clean up after him right away. Doesn't matter if he sleeps with poop next to his bed. That might be a key element to getting this guy even. Basically you have to be terribly cruel to get this guy. Its sad too, because I think Tarakotchi is very sweet, one of my faves. And of course if you don’t get the beak, but one with legs in his young age. Just care for him, and neglect him as you would to get this character.
    Generation 1/P1
    Generation 2/P2

  • Secret Characters - Gaijintchi or 'Bill'/Zachi - You can only get these guys if you first have Masukutchi on Gen1/P1 Tamagotchi, or Zukitchi on Gen2/P1 Tamagotchi. From there the best method to take is take perfect care, like you would a Mametchi or Mimitchi. Don’t let the hearts drop below one, if possible. Always discipline when he calls for it. Make sure he doesn’t go to bed with his mess next to him or anything either. Just take your basic perfect care of him. He will ask for discipline until he is 100%, then he will eventually get sick. The sickness is the clue to changing time. Depending on when he gets sick, it is my experience, that you should expect him to change before he goes to bed, or when he wakes up the next day. He can change as early as age 9, or as late as age 12. It depends on factors of when you hatched him and if you have paused him at all. Most of the time he will be changed around age 10. If Masukutchi/Zukitchi has not changed by age 12, it is very likely he wont change. But I could be wrong. ;)
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Tamagotchi Connection Ds Game

Tamagotchi connection discipline for childrenTamagotchi

Tamagotchi Connection Tamatown

If you need some images to help you out, here are two I stole off the net. They are growth charts for both generations. The Generation one/P1 Tamagotchi Chart is one I found somewhere out there. I believe its BanDai’s chart, in fact. The Generation two/P2 Tamagotchi Chart is one I took off the net. But I had to modify it, it was wrong to began with. It doesn't show the actual animation’s, but what they look like character wise. For more information on the characters and such go to my Rated Tama Links page. There are many many web sites with all of that information. I figure why repeat it here? :)

Tamagotchi Planet
Mystic Fortress
'Do everything as if you had all the time in the world, and live every day as if it were your last.'

Tamagotchi Connection Disciplined

Last updated: January 31st, 1998
Tamagotchi and all related characters are registered trademarks of Bandai America.