Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game

  1. Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game Play
  2. Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game Online
  3. Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game 2
Tamagotchi V1 Characters
Tamagotchi Version 1 Growth Chart

Tamagotchi Connection Caring Guide (US / English) Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes; Tamagotchi Connexion Digital Friends of the World. Instruction Sheet ©Bandai WiZ 2004 Bandai 2004. Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will evolve differently depending on how well you take care of it.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 Food

I would like to thank Bellsprout for some of the information.

Tamagotchi Version 1 Information


In Tamagotchi connection version 1, there are only two games to play, dance and jump.More info below

Jump: In this game you use the 'B' button to jump the hurdles.Try to jump the hurdles without tripping over them.

Dance: In this game you use all of the buttons.Your tamagotchi will do a routine and when it is done, you press the buttons in order to the way it danced.

This is my tamagotchi playing the two different games that is in V1.The picture at the left is Chery playing the game jump.The picture to the right is Chery doing a routine for me to copy in the game dance.


When you hear your Tamagotchi beep you or the 'attention' icon is lit, your Tamagotchi needs something.If you look and see your Tamagotchi crying, you need to praise it and it will be happy again, and will get one bar in its training bar.If it has its back turned on you, it is mad and you need to praise it.It will be happy when you praise it.If your Tamagotchi calls you or the 'attention' icon is lit for no reason, you need to give it a timeout.

Feeding and Playing:

When you look at your tamagotchi's stats and one of its hungry hearts is emptied, you need to feed it food for it to be refilled and your tamagotchi to not be hungry anymore. When one of your tamagotchi's happy hearts is emptied, you will need to feed it a snack or play games with it for it to be refilled and your tamagotchi to be happy.

This is what I mean by happy and hungry hearts. It tells if your tamagotchi is hungry and unhappy.When you see one of the hearts emptied, you need to fill it in by feeding it if one of the hungry heart is emptied, or play with it or feed it a snack if one of its happy hearts is emptied.

Tamagotchi V1 Presents
Tamagotchi connection v1 cheats

If you are wondering what a certain Tamagotchi character gets as a present,I will tell you here.As you can see, most of the child,and teenager forms get a ball as a present.The adult forms get different types of present. When your Tamagotchi turns into adult form, it cannot use the ball.The presents that every Tamagotchi gets is a cake,poop,flower,or snake.

This is a Marutchi.The present that Marutchi gets is a ball. When someone's tamagotchi you connected with gives you a ball, go to the present list to choose the ball. Marutchi will then play with the ball.

This cute little tamagotchi is a Kinakomotchi.The present that kinakomotchi recieves is a ball.When the other tamagotchi you connected with gives you a ball, go to the present list and click on the ball.Kinakomotchi will then play with the ball.

This is a little Ichigotchi.The present that Ichigotchi get when it connects with someone is a ball.When the other tamagotchi you connected with gives you a ball, go to the present list and choose the ball.Ichigotchi will then play with the ball.
This is an adorable Young Mimitchi.The present that Young Mimitchi gets is a ball.When you get a ball from the tamagotchi you connected with, go to the present list and pick the ball.Young Mimichi will then play with the ball.
This wild creature is a Hinotamatchi.The present that Hinotamatchi gets when you connect is a ball.When you get a ball, go to the present list and choose the ball.Hinotamatchi will play with the ball.

This onion looking tamagotchi is an Oniontchi.The present that Oniontchi gets is a ball.When you get the ball that the other tamagotchi gave you, go to the present list and pick the ball. Oniontchi will then play with the ball.

Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game Play


This adorable little creature is a Mimitchi. Mimitchi is an adult, so it gets two presents.One of the present that Mimitchi gets is a bow.It will wear the bow and cutely show off its bow. The other present that Mimitchi gets is a crayon.It will sit on a table and draw something.Mimitchi will show you what it wrote.These are the presents that Mimitchi gets.

This cute little Tamagotchi is a Mametchi.Mametchi also gets two present.One of the presents is a bow like Mimitchi.With the bow, Mametchi will wear the bow on its neck and do a little dance.The other present that Mametchi gets is a crayon.Mametchi will sit on a table and write something.Mametchi will also show you what it wrote.

Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game Online

These very cute and big, rounded eyes belongs to Memetchi. One of the present that Memetchi gets is a hat.When you choose the present icon and click the hat, Memetchi will wear the hat and make the hat go up and down.The other present of Memetchi's are Maracas.Pick this and Memetchi will take and shake it.

This worm like creature is called a Hanatchi.One of the present thatHanatchigets is bubblegum.I have not got bubblegum so I don't know what it does with it.The best bet is that it blows a bubble with it.The second present is a wig. I guess it will take the wig and wear it.

Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game 2

This robot tamagotchi is called an Androtchi , but is mostly called Robotchi.The presents that Androtchi get is bubblegum and a wig. I think Androtchi does the same things with these presents as Hanatchi.

This duck looking little creature is a Kuchipatchi. One of the present that Kuchipatchi gets is a hat and the other present that Kuchipatchi gets are maracas.These presents are the same deal as the presents that Memetchi gets.

This tamagotchi I think looks like a chicken.It is called a Tarakotchi.One of the present that it gets is a skateboard.When you get the skateboard, Tarakotchi will get it and skate on it, going back and forth,out of the screen and back. The other present that it gets are boots.It will get the boots and walk funny in them.

Tamagotchi Connection V1 Jump Game

This tamagotchi is not one of my favorites.It is called a Masktchi.One of the presents that it gets is a cape. It will wear the cape and go around in it.The other present that it gets are some wings. It will wear the wings and fly in them.

This tamagotchi is called a Gozarutchi. This tamagotchi gets a present that no other tamagotchi gets. The present that no other gets are some ninja stars.It will take them and throw them. The other present that it gets is a cape.It will wear the cape and go around in it.

This nut like tamagotchi is called a Nazotchi. I've never got this tamagotchi , so I don't know much about it. I think it gets only one present.The present that it gets is a water jug. I really don't know what it does with it.