Tamagotchi Connection Symbols

Definition of Tamagotchi in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of Tamagotchi. What does Tamagotchi mean? Information and translations of Tamagotchi in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. An average Tamagotchi in the middle of its rebellious age; loves to sing loudly in its room all the time: Hinotamatchi: Teen: An average Tamagotchi; rebellious and loves Rock 'n Roll: Mametchi: Adult: Sincere, brilliant and polite: Mimitchi: Adult: The most popular Tamagotchi, it is sincere, a genius with an IQ of 200 and loves math and writing.

  1. Tamagotchi Connection Ds
  2. Tamagotchi Connection Symbols List
  3. Tamagotchi Connection Symbols Images
  4. Tamagotchi Connection Instructions


Tamagotchi Connection Symbols


Now that you have your Tamagotchi, you must do these three things:

1) Wake up Tamagotchi from its million light-year sleep by removingthe insulating sheet (pull paper tab from side of body).

2) Set the tamagotchi communication screen (Reset operation). Pressthe reset switch on the rear of the egg with a pointed object. NOTE:Remember not to press the reset switch too hard when using a sharp rod,pencils, sharp pens, etc.

3) Adjust the time difference between Tamagotchi's planet and earth(Timer set). First press the middle button (B) to bring up the timer screen.Use the left button (A) to set the hours and the B button to set the minutes.Once you have set the correct time, press the right button (C) to set thetimer. Next, return to the main screen by pressing the B button again.

When you have completed these three steps, a pulsating egg will appear.Tamagotchi will hatch in about 5 minutes.

NOTE: During this time only the timer and reset functions areavailable.

As soon as Tamagotchi hatches, it will beep at you for attention. Thisis where the health meter comes in handy. You can determine the mood, healthand behavior of Tomagotchi with the health meter. Tamagotchi will needto be fed and played with soon after it hatches. In order to start Tamagotchion a good growth path, you must take good care of Tamagotchi right fromthe start.

FEED: Press A button until knife and fork icon is highlighted,then press B. Select either Meal or Snack by pressing the B button to feedTamagotchi. Be careful not to over feed Tamagotchi; if you do it will refuseto eat.

LIGHT: Press A button until the light bulb icon is highlighted,then press the B button. Select either On or Off by pressing the A buttonto move the arrow, then press the B button. The light should be turnedoff when Tamagotchi is sleeping, or it might get restless! Tamagotchi willautomaticlly turn the light on when wakes up.

DUCK: Just like real pets, Tamagotchi goes to the bathroom. Ifdroppings appear on the screen, it must be cleaned up right away or Tamagotchiwill get sick. Press the A button until the Duck icon is highlighted, thenpress the B button to flush the screen. Tamagotchi will be very happy afterthe mess is cleaned up.

HEALTH METER: Check Tamagotchi's health, by pressing the A buttonuntil the Health Meter icon is highlighted, then press B button to checkTamagotchi's age/weight, discipline, hunger and happiness. After you havechecked all the screens to see if Tamagotchi needs anything, press C toreturn to the main screen. You should also check this screen if Tamagotchibeeps at you and the 'attention' icon is highlighted.

PLAY: Press A button until the bat and ball icon is highlighted,then press B button to begin the game. The object is to guess which wayTamagotchi will turn. To choose left, press the A button, to choose right,press the B button. If you choose the correct direction, Tamagotchi willbe happy. There are 5 chances in each game to match Tamagotchi; the moreyou match, the happier Tamagotchi will be. To stop the game press the Cbutton. After playing, check the happiness meter to see if it went up ordown.

MEDICINE: If a 'skull' image appears, Tamagotchi issick and needs medicine. Press A button until the medicine icon is highlighted,then press B. Sometimes 2 or 3 injections are needed before Tamagotchiis well.

ATTENTION: When this icon is highlighted, Tamagotchi needs something.Check the Health Meter, to determine what Tamagotchi needs. If Tamagotchidoesn't need anything, it must be disciplined or the Attention Icon willstay highlighted.

DISCIPLINE: Tamagotchi needs discipline if it:

1) beeps even though it is full and happy

2) won't eat when it is hungry

3) won't play games when it is not very happy. If you neglect to disciplineTamagotchi when needed, it might grow up into an unattractive, bad manneredalien.


There are a total of 4 hearts on the 'Happy' and 'Hunger'screens and they start out empty. The more hearts that are filled, thebetter satisfied Tamagotchi is. You must feed or play with Tamagotchi inorder to fill the empty hearts. If you keep Tamagotchi full and happy,it will grow into a cute, happy cyber creature. If you neglect Tamagotchi,it will grow into an unattractive alien.


As the meter moves towards the right, it indicates you are raising awell-behaved Tamagotchi.

The higher the discipline scale the less trouble and better behavedTamagotchi will be. The key to increasing the discipline meter is to makesure you scold Tamagotchi when necessary. If Tamagotchi beeps at you forno reason, you must discipline it.

Tamagotchi needs discipline if it:

- beeps at you even though it is full and happy

- won't eat when it is hungry

- won't play games when it is not very happy


Converts and displays Tamagotchi's growth information in earth units.


- One earth day is equal to about one year for Tamagotchi.

- Tamagotchi will change appearance several times before it reachesits adult form.

- It seems that the shape, personality and life of each Tamagotchi isbased on how well you take care of it. Each time you hatch a new Tamagotchiit could grow up to be any one of several adult forms. Tomagotchi willalways return to its home planet. How well you care for it helps determinehow long Tamagotchi will stay on Earth. When it is time for Tamagotchito return to its home planet, there is nothing you can do. But, don't worry,you can always hatch another egg.


0-5 YEARS: Try harder next time

6-10 YEARS: Room for improvement

11-16 YEARS: Good job

17-22 YEARS: Excellent

23+ YEARS: Amazing!

In order to hatch another Tamagotchi, press the A and C buttons simultaneouslyand a new pulsating egg will appear. In about 5 minutes a new Tamagotchiwill be born. Maybe you will raise a different version of Tamagotchi thistime. Try it and see.


When you want to know the time, press the B button when no icons arehighlighted and the time will appear on the screen. To return to the mainscreen, press the B button again.

In order to re-set the time, press the B button to bring up the timer.Press the A and C buttons simultaneously and the word 'SET' willappear on the screen. Then follow the same instructions used to set thetimer. Press C button again to return to regular time. Press B again toreturn to the main screen.

NOTE: Timer cannot be adjusted if Tamagotchi is preparing toreturn to its home planet.


- When you want to let Tamagotchi return home

- When you have changed batteries

- If Tamagotchi is not functioning properly

- When you want to begin raising a new Tamagotchi
NOTE: Remember, do not press the reset button too hard when usinga pointed object.


After Tamagotchi has hatched, the sound can be turned off by pressingthe A and C buttons simultaneously. To restore the sound, press A and Cagain.


Replace the batteries if the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is weak.

1) Loosen the screws on the back side. Remove the cover together withthe screws.

2) Take out the old batteries. Insert 2 new LR44 batteries, making sureto match '+' and '-' signs properly. Be sure to useboth new batteries, do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix ALKALINE,STANDARD or RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES. Dispose of used batteries properly.

3) Replace the cover and tighten the screws.

4) Reset the timer and a new Tamagotchi will hatch in 5 minutes.

Copyright Bandai 1996-1997.

Well, there you have it, the OFFICIAL instructions from Bandai.


Tamagotchi Connection Ds

This is a list of the characters in the electronic virtual pet Tamagotchi.

The ones that are goodThere are four main characters. Although the fourth is not as much a main character as the first three, it is still a main character.



Mametchi is one of the best Tamagotchis in terms of intellect. You have to give your toy the best care to get him. He is a pale-yellow creature, most resembling a human, with dark blue ears and appears as a playable character in Mario Kart Arcade GP 2. Mametchi is also the mascot of the Tamagotchi franchise.


Kuchipatchi is a green, fat Tamagotchi who likes to eat and sleep. He is one of the laziest Tamagotchis, but also one of the kindest. On virtual pets, he is mostly obtained with average or above-average care.



Memetchi is an orange Tamagotchi with sparkles in her eyes. She is very gentle, but when you are mean to her, she will point it out. She can get into arguments about fashion, as well. She is rivals with Makiko, a purple Tamagotchi who looks similar to her. Her care status often varies, but it is usually average.


In other languages and versions, she is known as 'Flowertchi', 'Furawatchi' or 'Leaftchi'. Violetchi is a calm Tamagotchi who is nice to everyone. She is purple, and has two flowers in her hair. The flower on the left is yellow and the one on the right is green. Violetchi and Memetchi are very close friends, they first meet by the boys' soccer ball hitting them. Her care status was formerly similar to Mametchi's, but it has now been reduced to average care.


In other languages and versions, she is known as Raburitchi, Lavulitchi, and Lovelytchi. Lovelitchi was introduced in the anime as a shy, kind, sweet girl who didn't know how to make friends, since she was bullied in the past. She is best friends with some of the other central characters, including Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, as well as several other characters who know of her secret double-life under her stage name, Lovelin. Lovelin is a pop star that appears alongside Gotchiman in his television show. Lovelitchi has parents, Lovepapalitchi and Lovemamalitchi, who run the TamaCafe. Uwasatchi is oblivious to the secret. However, she wants to stir gossip about Lovelin and suspects Lovelitchi knows something about her. Lovelitchi wears a blue dress with a pink collar, two blue bows, pink tights and a pink purse shaped like a heart. Like Mametchi, she is usually obtained with the best possible care.

Other characters[edit]



Gozarutchi is a ninja character who is dark and secretive. He is always spying on someone. Not much is known about him. He wishes to become a Japanese ninja someday and can usually be found practicing his star throwing. In most releases, Gozarutchi is obtained with the worst possible care.


She looks a lot like Mametchi but with bigger ears and she is white, not pale yellow. she is said to be related to Mametchi somehow. This character is a former main character and has been featured on all Tamagotchi versions since Plus. Mimitchi's care status is often compared to Mametchi's, as well.


Masktchi debuted on the Japanese Tamagotchi Connection V2. She is a social group Tamagotchi who is very shy, but very polite. She has a white body and wears a red helmet with a white vertical line down it.She also uses her helmet to hide her true looks. Like Gozarutchi, she is usually obtained with the worst possible care.


Sometimes called Robotchi in American releases, this robot Tamagotchi is very clumsy. Sometimes people think he's a teenager, but he has been proven not to be one. He actually has human feelings, despite resembling a robot. His care status is often bad, but not the worst.

Tamagotchi Connection Symbols


Violetchi's older brother. This Tamagotchi character cares for his younger sister Violetchi and loves to sweet talk with lady Tamagotchi Characters.


Samuraitchi is sincere and always keeps his promises. He loves Japanese comedy TV shows and films, especially sumo wrestling. You get him on the V4 by getting the Gorgeous points to a high level.


A dark version of Mametchi. He is a rock star. He is not bad, but does not like to be around other people much and is misunderstood. This character's first appearance was on the TamaSuku, and he has appeared on many versions since. KuroMametchi is also a friendly rival with Mametchi. Makiko thinks he's brave, most of the girls like him, as well as Mametchi. KuroMametchi's care status is often compared to Mametchi's.


A tiger character who somewhat looks like a bumblebee. Shimashimatchi likes everything that is stripey due to the fact that he's stripey as well. He collects all stripey things he can get his hands on. When he's angry, his body turns red with rage. His care status is often compared to Kuchipatchi's.

Tamagotchi Connection Symbols

Tamagotchi Connection Symbols List


One of the smallest Tamagotchi characters, Petipuchi is part of the petite family and has a boy or girl form. He is very energetic and always bouncing around.


This character is a clock. Most of the time he announces the time correctly, but when he's too excited, he forgets what it is. At 5:00 P.M., he walks around Tama Town announcing that it is time for the children to come home from school.


A special character from the V5 who is a sun. He likes the sun, but, surprisingly, prefers indoor activities. His favorite phrase is '3-2-1, Sunnytchi!'

Tamagotchi Connection Symbols Images


A green character with a leaf on his head from the v5. His favorite foods are beans and pudding. If you have this character on your V5 and feed him sesame pudding, he will turn into KuroMametchi. He takes very good care of his leaf.

Tamagotchi Connection Instructions


Chamametchi is Mametchi's little sister. Like Mimitchi and Kuromametchi, she looks nothing like Mametchi, except for her skin color being pale yellow, as well as her ears. She has pink clothing, with a pink dress. Chamametchi's care status is often average.


A purple light-bulb shaped character with curly pig-tails and white skirt. She is Memetchi's arch-rival. Although Makiko and Memetchi do not like each other, they are very fond of the curls in each other's hair. Makiko's care status often varies, usually either being better or worse than Memetchi, depending on the release.


A Tama-Pet of Chamametchi and Mametchi. Hapihapichi has the power to make people happy. She appears as a flying lamb.The other Tama-Pets are Bagubagutchi,Chitchi, Onsen-Moguratchi, and Hanatarezoutchi.


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